Thank you for stopping by! This blog is a place to get a sneak peek into the fabulous world I am surrounded by. I am a wife to an amazing husband of almost 15 years, mom to two perfect kiddos and a photographer of some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Capturing special moments with my camera and preserving them forever is my passion. If you would like for me to capture special moments for you and your family, contact me today! I look forward to getting to know you and your fabulous world.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

killing time- Jacksonville Family Photographer

My sister is due to give birth any day now so we have made sure to stay close to home in case we get the when I have free time, I grab a kid and start clicking away. Bella is at a great age where she fully cooperates...exhibit A:

Preston, on the other hand...not so much. But I did manage to snap a picture of him watching Bella while she was doing her pictures...exhibit B:

is it just me, or is that a competitive look???